Thursday, December 22, 2005

Eat the unions

Man, if I had my way, the TWU would be burned at the stake. Hopefully the silver lining in the debacle that is this strike will be one more nail in the coffin of this ignorant greedy hive of communists known as a “union”. How big do your balls have to be? I demand a raise, and to prove I deserve it, I’m not showing up for work tomorrow! Some ranting socialist actually posted these numbers in a NYT blog:
TWU salaries average 47,500, compared to the nationwide average of 45,000 for
White Collar jobs (degreed professionals), and low wage, hourly jobs average
about 20,000. Clearly, on the basis of wages alone, the TWU cannot complain
about pay. Additionally, most Americans contribute more than 2% to benefits –
not including a pension plan.
What? $47500?? With no pension and benefit costs?? For handing out tokens? For driving a bus? How much do teachers make? For that matter how much do soldiers make? Hell, how much is a starting salary for a lawyer or journalist?? Screw business school – I’ll be the guy who announces “please stand clear of the closing doors” for $47500 in real wages! And now they want a RAISE? That makes as much sense as paying some schmuck $65/hour for mowing a lawn… oh wait… that’s the UAW…

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