Friday, April 30, 2010

It's like living in a novel. An Ayn Rand novel...

Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others. --Rand Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal

From InvestmentNews' "Taking it to The Street" article on 4/30:

The AFL-CIO, the 11-million-member labor federation, is urging Congress to impose a transaction tax on securities trading to help cover the $900 billion cost for a government jobs program they want lawmakers to create.
Why even bother creating the jobs? Why don't they just demand that the government redistribute the money directly to them? I mean, not via check, because they'd have to go to a BANK to get it cashed, but maybe through an envelope of cash?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Secret identity revealed!

C'mon - the resemblance is uncanny!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Who was that guy from Georgia, who grew peanuts and flew in Air Force One?

From "Inflation's coming V-Shaped Recovery" in Forbes:

Last week's release of the Producer Price Index should have sent shivers down the spines of those who worry about silly things like profit margins. Prices for finished goods were up 0.7% month-over-month and 6% year-over-year. Intermediate goods prices were up 7.7% year-over-year. Prices for crude goods have soared 3.2% since March and 33.4% on an annual basis. If that's not a V-shaped recovery in inflation, what would you call it?

The Consumer Price Index is up 2.4% over the past 12 months. No, that level alone does not equal intractable inflation, but it's still a big jump from last summer's 2% CPI drop. Thanks to the Fed's record-sized balance sheet ($2.32 trillion), which has grown by $20 billion since since last week alone, inflation data has become disturbing. April's import prices were up 0.7% from March and 11.4% from a year ago.

What's it called when you have high unemployment and high inflation? Oh yeah - staglfation! Malaise! Jimmy F'ng Carter fucks with our economy from beyond the grave through this administration! **update: James Carter apparently not dead.

Perfect summary from Mike Pento's article:
The losers in all this are members of the general public, who are suffering the double whammy of high unemployment and the erosion of their purchasing power.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My local school budget

Data from

Pupils 2009 2010 Net Net %
Pupils on Roll Regular Full-Time 8540 8814 274 3.2%
Pupils on Roll Regular Shared-Time 86 84 -2 -2.3%
Pupils on Roll Reg Accr. Adult High Sch 16 22 6 37.5%
Pupils on Roll - Special Full-Time 1461 1381 -80 -5.5%
Pupils on Roll - Special Shared-Time 101 108 7 6.9%
Private School Placements 58 53 -5 -8.6%
Total 10262 10462 200 1.9%   As pupils increase…
Selected Items 09-10 10-11 Net Net %  
Total Operating Budget 146,208,972 140,366,709 -5,842,263 -4.0%   1. ...we spend less overall
Local Tax Levy 119,793,275 123,878,213 4,084,938 3.4%   2. but we're taxed more
Regular Instruction 51,142,450 48,884,706 -2,257,744 -4.4%   3a. even though we're spending less on teaching
School Sponsored Athletics 1,418,274 1,152,279 -265,995 -18.8%   3b. And less on sports
Personal Services - Employee Benefits 22,499,239 23,808,496 1,309,257 5.8%   4. but we are spending a million more on benefits
Total Comparative Per Pupil Cost 12,638 12,106 -532 -4.2%   5. so we spend less per kid overall
Classroom-Salaries and Benefits 7,240 7,505 265 3.7%   6. but more per kid on teachers
Employee Benefits as a % of Salaries 23.4 26.7 3 14.1%   7. and those benefit costs are rising

And apparently those benefit costs are rising even after the layoffs of 124 district staff, including 72.5 teaching positions! []

Monday, April 19, 2010

You're nasty. You know who you are.

If there's a hell, there's a special room in it for people who go to the bathroom and don't wash their hands. But, many are unaware that there is a slightly smaller, adjacent hellroom for people who go to the bathroom and wash their hands without using soap! Especially when it's RIGHT THERE.