"There is always a heavy demand for fresh mediocrity. In every generation the least cultivated taste has the largest appetite." - Paul Gauguin
Monday, December 28, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Channeling the inner Hank Moody
The book itself looks interesting, so this is not one of those half-hearted congrats posts – though (full disclosure) I haven’t read any of it while writing this post…. But I will as soon as he releases the Kindle
Monday, November 16, 2009
ObamaCare - the prequel
You can go to the doctor and get medicine for a plethora of ailments. You can get everything from anti-fungal cream to steroids to Viagra to cancer drugs to knee replacements to lobotomies to radiation treatment to allergy shots to a baboon liver installed instead of your real one. All from doctors and free-market pharmaceutical companies that develop this stuff.
But the one thing right now controlled by the government, H1N1 Piggy Flu vaccine - just try getting that. Nope. Some of you (read:me) don't qualify. Those that do (read:wife and kid) had to wait almost three hours in line - OUTSIDE. In the COLD. Where they could GET SICK. But government-run healthcare is BETTER, you see. It's better because EVERYONE was waiting in the cold. It's unfair if only some people are stuck outside.
Oh, and they may run out of vaccine. Again.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
No pizza. How about some "F You" instead?
Then, he reaches out to shake my hand! "Hey man, could you help me out?" Oh shit! Stranger danger, I thought. No handshakes from random stranger in swine-flu season, thanks. "What's up?" I throw back at him briskly. Or bruskly, whichever's the right vocabulary word.
He seemed affronted. "With all due respect - with ALL DUE RESPECT - I'm trying to get a slice of pizza..." He had to repeat "with all due respect" for me, because apparently that's like a secret code word for "buy me pizza". My toddler just uses "PIZZA! PIZZA!", I should teach him this trick.
Anyway, I high-tailed it outta there. I had to hurry to vote against Corzine (which in Russian translates loosely to "basket").
How about you? Do you buy pizza for strangers?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Hybrid Man-Eating Pythons
In an [sic] case of real life imitating Hollywood, the US scientificThe “Africanized bees” of the python world! Great! It’s all fun and games until one of these things winds it’s way through a trailer park or clan rally or goat-rape (http://freshmediocrity.blogspot.com/2008/09/theres-no-justice-for-rednecks-victims.html) or whatever else they do down south. Then, when it coils around some fat, toothless, delicious redneck, and EATS THEM WHOLE, the goddam rednecks will somehow blame Obama.
community is increasingly concerned that two nonnative python breeds currently
slithering free in south Florida could morph into a giant man-eating swamp coil.
The capture of five African rock pythons recently near an Everglades already teeming with the gentler Burmese pythons has scientists worried about so-called "hybrid vigor" – a phenomenon that occurs when interbreeding uncorks volatile recessive genes, passing traits such as aggression onto the offspring. Think Africanized bees.
The two species have interbred in captivity. While Burmese pythons aren't known to eat people in their native habitat, the African rock python, unfortunately, has been known to do just that (emphasis mine).
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Is it something in the water?
For example, reading anything written by Paul Krugman SHOULD result in a reaction of "Paul, what the fuck is wrong with you?" But yet, he gets to keep devaluing the NYT, journalism, and the Nobel Prize with crap like this piece pining for Richard Nixon's economic policies. Nick Gillespie at Reason wrote a critique of Krug-nonsense here, but frankly a critique could be written weekly about Krugman's inane rambling. But he writes on.
Or this week, when "The World Is Flat" author Thomas L. Friedman, who also writes a column for the NYT, conjured up a screed about how China is better governed than America. Allow me to quote Matt Welch's piece from Reason's Hit & Run column:
Then there's the recurring fun and games of Maureen Dowd's convulsing gibberish, and Roger Cohen's "reporting" of how happy the Jews of Iran are.The next time anyone tries to tell you that Thomas L. Friedman is a serious
thinker, or a tribune for global democracy, or even a good columnist, or
basically someone who isn't worth sending on the next slow boat to Shanghai,
please refer him to this despicable column from today, then ask: Do you, too, prefer Chinese governance to American democracy? No really, Friedman says that:There is only one thing worse than one-party autocracy, and that is one-party democracy, which is what we have in America today.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
A wise Latin woman once said...
Friday, July 17, 2009
Pet Burmese Python Strangles Toddler in Bedroom - ABC News

So, you all thought it was hyperbole? You thought I was nuts for ranting about pythons eh? Well here you go.
Pet Burmese Python Strangles Toddler in Bedroom - ABC News
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Thursday, July 16, 2009
Ignorance perpetuates itself
Ignorance perpetuates itself just as knowledge does. Men write false documents, they preach false doctrine, and those beliefs survive to inspire wickedness in later generations. ... Conversely, some men write and teach about the truth, only to be declared heretic by the wicked.
In such cases evil has the advantage, for it will do anything to suppress truth, but the good man limits what he will do to suppress falsehood.
One might almost make a rule of it: "Whoever declares another heretic is himself a devil. Whoever places a relic or artifact above justice, kindness, mercy, or truth is himself a devil and the thing elevated is a work of evil magic."
--Sheri S. Tepper
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Wisdom from the "Velvet President"
Speaking on Iran:
"What is possible and what I would repeatedly warn against is the policy of
compromise and the notion that if we don't provoke evil, it will just go away by
itself," Havel said. "On the contrary, that would just make it stronger."
--Vaclav Havel
The rest here.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
You are no Jedi
Beggar: would you buy me a soda, please?
Me: No!
Beggar: but I'm not a beggar though!
Me: whatever.
Beggar: I'm not! (Huffs away)
Coffee guy: effing beggars!
Friday, June 05, 2009
This is an Ex-Groundhog
Yesterday, Gilbert appeared to be taking the dirt nap in the middle of our suburban street, most likely hit by a car or a stealth bomber or something. My kid said "Gilbert needs a band-aid". Sorry son, Gilbert's way past band-aids now.
This morning, Gilbert was gone. I'm fairly certain he wasn't the promised messiah of groundhogs, who just sprung up from his death like the Narnia Jesus-lion. And since animal control/the roads department wasn't available to clean him up last night, I'm wondering if the turkey vultures "cleaned him up" during the course of the night. Do they work that fast? Does anyone know?
In any case he's gone. Nature is cruel. Hopefully there was only one, and if there were two the other one will be freaked out enough to leave.
In Pace Requiescat, Gilbert.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Religion is just Grand - part 4
You know what we need more of in America? Religion. All good things flow from religion, and faith in the almighty. Without it we wouldn’t have Jesus salt, beheadings, honor killings, boy-shagging, gay-bashing, or ignorance – in short, we wouldn’t have most of the horrible, evil, and oppressive elements of the human condition. And without evil, how can we be good? Got that? Amen.
Here’s a another great example from Africa again, through BBC News:
Stoning victim 'begged for mercy' (article here)
A young woman recently stoned to death in Somalia first pleaded for her life,
a witness has told the BBC.
"Don't kill me, don't kill me," she said, according to the man who wanted to remain anonymous. A few minutes later, more than 50 men threw stones.
Human rights group Amnesty International says the victim was a 13-year-old girl who had been raped. (emphasis mine)
Religion is just Grand - part 3
Here’s a another great example from across the pond (the UK) through the BBC:
Irish church knew abuse 'endemic' (article here)
An inquiry into child abuse at Catholic institutions in Ireland has found
church leaders knew that sexual abuse was "endemic" in boys'
Ritual beatingsThe report said that girls supervised by orders of nuns, chiefly the Sisters of Mercy, suffered much less sexual abuse but frequent assaults and humiliation designed to make them feel worthless.
The five-volume study concluded that church officials encouraged ritual beatings and consistently shielded their orders' paedophiles from arrest amid a "culture of self-serving secrecy".
It also found that government inspectors failed to stop the chronic beatings, rapes and humiliation. The commission said overwhelming, consistent testimony from still-traumatized men and women, now in their 50s to 80s, had demonstrated beyond a doubt that the entire system treated children more like prison inmates and slaves than people with legal rights and human potential.
Religion is just Grand - part 2
Here’s a great example from right here in the USA through the Newsweek:
Parents' Rights, Judges' Rules (article here)
Last week, Daniel Hauser sat quietly in a Minneapolis courtroom while adults
debated how to combat the Hodgkin's lymphoma that has invaded his body. Doctors
wanted the 13-year-old boy to undergo chemotherapy and radiation. His parents
were resisting: their religion advocated natural and homeopathic methods. The
judge ruled on Friday that Hauser's family must select an oncologist and that he
must receive chest X-rays to determine the extent of his cancer, the results of
which would help determine a new medical plan of action. By Tuesday, the boy and
his mother were missing, having skipped the scheduled chest X-ray appointment; a
warrant has been issued for the mother's arrest. (emphasis mine)
Religion is just Grand
Here’s a great example from Somalia through the BBC:
Somali justice - Islamist-style (article here)
The dusty streets of Kismayo in Somalia echoed to the sound of a vehicle with
loudspeakers summoning residents to a new form of public "entertainment" earlier
this month.
People were being invited to see a man have his hand chopped off
in a public park in the city.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Time to fire the fund manager
I say "mostly" because even though all future earnings come from subsequent investment (read:taxes), which is the definition of Ponzi Scheme, the fund manager is actually doing some legitimate investment. The problem with this is that the fund manager is making some pretty awful investments. For example, he's about to invest our fund's assets into General Motors (NYSE:GM). Tell me, if your friendly local large-cap equity manager announced this trade, in fact announced taking a majority share of GM? Wouldn't you fire him or her? Or switch funds?
Since we can't switch our investment out of the "US Treasury Fund" - without moving out of the country - how do we fire the fund manager?
Monday, April 27, 2009
All over Oceania ... (#2)
From today's wsj.com's "Best of the web today":
Accountability Journalism
It's been more than three months, but the thrill still isn't gone for the Associated Press's Liz Sidoti:It didn't take long for Barack Obama--for all his youth and inexperience--to get acclimated to his new role as the calming leader of a country in crisis. "I feel surprisingly comfortable in the job," the nation's 44th president said a mere two weeks after taking the helm. . . .Over nearly 100 days as president, Obama has applied the same "no drama" leadership and calculated approach to governing that he did to campaigning.
As an audacious candidate, Obama meticulously built a powerhouse organization and fundraising juggernaut to engineer his victory. As a fledgling president, he similarly has mapped out a big-risk agenda that he's methodically begun to execute, keeping to the discipline that has been a hallmark of his life.
Rookie jitters? Far from it.
Sidoti also reports that Obama is "confident almost to a fault," that he has "kept that focused attitude in the White House, while exhibiting few flashes of any off-putting, self-important tone," that he has "reached the pinnacle of his political ambition," and that he seems "has seemed extraordinarily at ease as president from the day that he took office."Oh, also, he has "made a once skeptical electorate comfortable with the notion that a black, 47-year-old, first-term senator with limited experience could take over as the leader of the free world," he speaks in "firm, yet soothing tones," he uses "a just-folks approach to identify with economically struggling citizens" and displays "wonkish tendencies, too," all the while engaging in "witty banter" while striking "a statesmanlike stance."
OK, Liz, we'll bite: Is there anything you don't like about Obama?
Well, he "has steamed with anger" at AIG executives and "gone after lawmakers who refused to support the $787 billion economic stimulus package." He has also "shown contriteness" (which we'd think was a good quality, though we suppose it also suggests he has something to be contrite about) and "shown irritation at criticism." He "has let it be known he hasn't forgotten how politics works." And despite being "careful," he "has made a few errors."
But never fear: "So far, the public has liked what it's seen." "Most people in the U.S."--and Liz Sidoti herself is nothing if not a person in the U.S.--"consider their new president to be a strong, ethical leader who is working for change as he promised in his campaign." And "most people say he's on TV just the right amount."
"Overall," Sidoti sums up, "Obama seems unflappable."And wouldn't lesser men wither under the kind of tough-minded coverage he's received from the likes of Liz Sidoti?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
All over Oceania ...
AP Poll: Americans high on Obama, direction of US
By RON FOURNIER and TREVOR TOMPSON, Associated Press Writers Ron Fournier And Trevor Tompson, Associated Press WritersWASHINGTON – For the first time in years, more Americans than not say the country is headed in the right direction, a sign that Barack Obama has used the first 100 days of his presidency to lift the public's mood and inspire hopes for a brighter future.
Intensely worried about their personal finances and medical expenses, Americans nonetheless appear realistic about the time Obama might need to turn things around, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. It shows most Americans consider their new president to be a strong, ethical and empathetic leader who is working to change Washington. (...rest of story...)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I live here!
Me: move over buddy, let me sit with you.
Kid: NO daddy! You go HOME!
Me: we are home, buddy. This is where we live.
Kid: No, you go home! You go to your CAR!
I'm away from the house so much (at work), that my kid thinks I live somewhere else - in my car!
That hurts, boy. I'll remember this when it's time to decide whether or not to gamble away your college fund...
Monday, April 06, 2009
"In 3 Weeks I Will Be Put to My Death"
Check out this little gem from the Toronto Sun. My favorite (most alarming?) part of the article: "The practice does take place but it is rare," Patel said. "It is more of a cultural occurrence than a religious practice."
However, about 10,000 women die yearly from honour killings in Pakistan, according to statistics. (emphasis mine)
A Mississauga woman says she'll be the victim of an honour killing by her estranged husband, a Muslim extremist, when she's deported to Pakistan at the end of the month.
read more | digg story
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Wake Up Your Cat, Take A Picture Of It
Though I do hate cats (they're little bastards, admit it!) this is stupid enough to be humorous...
read more | digg story
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Like herpes, Spitzer just won't go away

Whenever you feel like things are settling down, that life is starting to make sense again, and that some balance has been restored to the natural order of things, some kind of stupid bullshit will throw it off again. For me, today, just as I was feeling there was a bit of justice and normalcy creeping back into our collective lives (no real reason btw that I felt that, maybe it was just gas) I see this headline in Slate (pic above).
Shouldn’t this guy be in prison for corruption and whore-banging? And didn’t he, in very large part, help cause the AIG debacle? Does anyone have any memory at all left, or are we al living in Memento world?
Friday, March 13, 2009
A pillar of (kosher) salt

Another example, and the one that set me off this morning, is jesussalt. It’s not called jesussalt but it should be. It’s called Blessed Christian Salt. OUCH my brain just sizzled a bit more from typing the words. Let me explain. You see, there’s an ignorant jackass named Joe Godlewski. Joe has devoted his life to doing three things, and doing them well.
First, Joe loves himself some hot, fresh Jesus.
Second, Joe hates Jews.
Third, Joe loves to cut hair. Or he did until he retired.
And here in lies Joe’s conundrum. How can he stay true to his ideals of loving Jesus and hating Jews (the hair thing I guess is immaterial) while every day, some innocent Christian child can turn on that godless box called a TV, and be subjected to some TV chef talking about KOSHER SALT? Get it? Kosher salt is clearly not jesussalt, it’s jewsalt. What if the kid sees Emeril sprinkling some Kosher salt on a cod or spider monkey or whatever? The kid may try the salt himself and then PRESTO! Eternal Damnation.
So Joe becomes proactive to solve the conundrum. He doesn’t call for banning kosher salt, or censoring TV chefs. No sir! Not Joe the Barber! He goes out and created his very own BLESSED CHRISTIAN SALT. No, it’s not made of blessed Christians! It’s salt. Blessed. By a Christian. See how that works?
Here’s the article from slashfood (http://www.slashfood.com/2009/03/04/christian-izing-salt-is-just-not-kosher/), which also links to the examiner.com story that brought us this wonderfulness.
I really hope this is just an internet hoax that I’ve been duped by. But it seems jesusy and stupid enough that it could be real. People make stupid Jesus products all the time.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
And if so, do you have an ethical problem with that?
Just curious, as a guy who doesn't tweet nor follow, yet sees a constant stream of twitterjunk in my facebook feed.
Discuss amongst (our)selves.
Monday, March 02, 2009
To put it in perspective

Sure, you may be having a rough day. I know I have been, like for the last 1072 days. But to put it in perspective, things could always be worse. For example some fucknut could plow their car through your front door. This is exactly what happened to my favorite chicken joint (Cluck U chicken). They've had to put up plywood walls and a fake front door as if they're Katrina victims.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Ouch! My ass! Stop it Barack!
My first reaction was WTF!
My second reaction was FML.
I know he hasn't been president for very long, but does it seem that - despite his "eloquence" - every time Obama opens his mouth the markets crash? I mean is today's rout (S&P below 790!) somehow Bush's fault?
When he promised "change" is this what he meant?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Octuplets could be costly for taxpayers
Oh wait, she's going into the lucrative profession of "counseling".
Octuplets could be costly for taxpayers
As a single parent with no income, Nadya Suleman could receive thousands of dollars a month in government assistance. And the Medi-Cal bill for her newborns is mounting.
read more digg story
Proof: Country, Vodka and Sour Cream
An emigre from St. Petersburg in search of authentic Russian drinking finds
himself in the cafes of Brighton Beach, where vodka and food are
read more digg story
Monday, February 16, 2009
'Vampire' arrested for threatening teenage 'slayer'
read more | digg story
Friday, February 06, 2009
More glory for the god-fearing state of Kansas
From kansascity.com
Posted on Fri, Feb. 06, 2009 02:45 PM
*Man accused of sodomizing, killing dog*
A 19-year-old Lawrence man has a first court appearance scheduled this afternoon on charges of animal cruelty and sodomy related to a fatal attack on a dog, police said.
A maintenance crew called police Wednesday after finding blood in an apartment on the 2100 block of Heatherwood Drive, and police arrested the man that day after an investigation, they said. That investigation continues and may involve other animals, they said.
Check www.kansascity.com later for more details. | Joe Lambe
Friday, January 30, 2009
The solution to the financial crisis
For months, our leaders were chasing the problem down dead ends, but now they know where to look. The global financial crisis is apparently caused by... JOHN THAIN'S RUG! That's right dear reader, you were probably fooled, as I was, as our government was, into thinking the problem was in fact the Citi corporate jet. But in hindsight it's so lucid! A jet couldn't cause banks to fail! Only an $80k rug can do that!
Now that we know the culprit, we can get to work. The other problems will sort themselves out; Andy Cuomo will "get back" the compensation from the financial industry, Obama will give a speech condemning greed and profits (check), Republicans will make sure everything's still ok with Jesus (who keeps a close eye on finance), and Joe Biden will keep doing...whatever it is that he does for a living.
Meanwhile, Ken Lewis will destroy the evil rug by burning it in effigy on the White House lawn. There will be spontaneous demonstrations of party workers voicing their gratitude and joy. Then POOF! Crisis solved! Oh and somehow Pelosi will work free birth control into this - I'm not sure how but it seems to be the right thing to do.
Hope is here!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
NYT: The Bacon Explosion
Hopefully the mobile link works on your computer, but you can search NYT for "bacon explosion".
update: I've replaced the non-working mobile link with this http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/28/dining/28bacon.html?partner=permalink&exprod=permalink working link...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Be the "change" you want to see
Specifically, I wish the guy who drives the shuttle bus from the train to my car - who decided he was going to call it a night early and go drinking - would "change". He's not being beaten with a highway cone, and I'd like that to change. He's not being anally deflowered by a rabid shetland pony, and I'd like that to change. He's not getting a full body poison ivy wrap before being tied in a sack, and I'd like that to change.
Frankly he's not doing his job very well and I'd love for that to change too. While the odometer says its only 1.5 miles (which I walked in 20 minutes) it still sucked. It was late, I'd had some drinks, my foot hurts, and oh by the way it's January so it was f'ng cold. Marching a mile in the cold and dark is something reserved for soldiers in training or POWs or homeless people.
Plus my blackberry died so I had to wait hours to post this rant.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
D-bags abound
For example, the duchebag in the seat on front of me on the trains is a tool. He's got long hair and looks like he hasn't showered since the election. Smells pretty bad too. This all (almost assuredly) adds up to him being a lonely loser. So what does he do to help the situation? He's sitting there playing with a doll.
Yes, a little anime character doll, a girl with a sword an maybe some demon wings. It has a little stand attached so that he could presumably find just the right pose, and display her proudly. He's practicing poses right now. I have no way of knowing but I suspect this is not greasy-boy's first anime doll. Do I feel sorry for this duchebag? No, because he chose to exacerbate his duchey condition by publicly playing with a creepy doll.
And yes he looks like one of the Trenchcoat Mafia from Columbine. This is what my fellow commuters are subjected to.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Recurring themes
Play 60
Thursday, January 08, 2009
(Not) Light on my feet
When I asked him, he laughed, but then said "well, if you were lighter it would probably make it hurt less". This coming from a guy definitely above 250 and wearing a hawaiian shirt in January. Then we talked about meatballs.
Oh and apparently I stand duck-footed, and everyone knew this but me. Thanks for not telling me, especially since I make fun of duck-footed people and animals (except actual ducks, they can't help it).
PS today someone told me they "love coming home and reading about my problems". I hadn't realized my problems were prolific enough to entertain on a recurring basis, but when I read some of my own blog posts... Yeah I'm kind of an unintentional freakshow.