Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Religion is just Grand - part 3

You know what we need more of in America? Religion. All good things flow from religion, and faith in the almighty. Without it we wouldn’t have Jesus salt, beheadings, honor killings, boy-shagging, gay-bashing, or ignorance – in short, we wouldn’t have most of the horrible, evil, and oppressive elements of the human condition. And without evil, how can we be good? Got that? Amen.

Here’s a another great example from across the pond (the UK) through the BBC:

Irish church knew abuse 'endemic' (article here)

An inquiry into child abuse at Catholic institutions in Ireland has found
church leaders knew that sexual abuse was "endemic" in boys'

Ritual beatings

The report said that girls supervised by orders of nuns, chiefly the Sisters of Mercy, suffered much less sexual abuse but frequent assaults and humiliation designed to make them feel worthless.
The five-volume study concluded that church officials encouraged ritual beatings and consistently shielded their orders' paedophiles from arrest amid a "culture of self-serving secrecy".
It also found that government inspectors failed to stop the chronic beatings, rapes and humiliation. The commission said overwhelming, consistent testimony from still-traumatized men and women, now in their 50s to 80s, had demonstrated beyond a doubt that the entire system treated children more like prison inmates and slaves than people with legal rights and human potential.

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