Some of the most effective dire warnings about how human society [will have / has] gone astray come from great writers. Literary works like Farenheit 451 and Brave New World show us frightening visions of where our own actions as a society can take us. Now that Huckabee has won a modest victory in the South, I think it’s time to point out another Heinlein work that serves as a harbinger of doom yet is often underrated and under-referenced in such discussions: Revolt in 2100 .
One of the taglines of the book (written during the cold war) was "In the end, it wasn't the communists who got us after all". Now you all know I'm no friend to communists (nor to socialists, nor to any breed of looter) so this is not to excuse the danger we face from such folk. However, this serves to remind us of the danger we face from the rising power of Christianists (yep, just like Islamist but more white-bread) in our own society.
Which of the current presidential candidates most eagerly yearns to establish a Christian Caliphate here in America that would echo the horror of Revolt? Give you a hint: he doesn’t believe in science and yesterday won Georgia… Everyone considering voting for this clown should read this book - although many of his minions awaiting the rapture might actually want to live in such a dystopia. Maybe they should read Philip Pullman instead...
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