Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Time to fire the fund manager

So the US Treasury is basically a big open-end mutual fund that is *mostly* a ponzi scheme. And all of us taxpayers are compelled to invest in this fund; its our patriotic duty! Nathaniel Hale, Patrick Henry, Ben Franklin and the other founders fought and died for our right to pay into the treasury.

I say "mostly" because even though all future earnings come from subsequent investment (read:taxes), which is the definition of Ponzi Scheme, the fund manager is actually doing some legitimate investment. The problem with this is that the fund manager is making some pretty awful investments. For example, he's about to invest our fund's assets into General Motors (NYSE:GM). Tell me, if your friendly local large-cap equity manager announced this trade, in fact announced taking a majority share of GM? Wouldn't you fire him or her? Or switch funds?

Since we can't switch our investment out of the "US Treasury Fund" - without moving out of the country - how do we fire the fund manager?

Monday, April 27, 2009

All over Oceania ... (#2)

There have been spontaneous demonstrations of party workers voicing their gratitude and joy.

From today's wsj.com's "Best of the web today":


Accountability Journalism

It's been more than three months, but the thrill still isn't gone for the Associated Press's Liz Sidoti:

It didn't take long for Barack Obama--for all his youth and inexperience--to get acclimated to his new role as the calming leader of a country in crisis. "I feel surprisingly comfortable in the job," the nation's 44th president said a mere two weeks after taking the helm. . . .Over nearly 100 days as president, Obama has applied the same "no drama" leadership and calculated approach to governing that he did to campaigning.

As an audacious candidate, Obama meticulously built a powerhouse organization and fundraising juggernaut to engineer his victory. As a fledgling president, he similarly has mapped out a big-risk agenda that he's methodically begun to execute, keeping to the discipline that has been a hallmark of his life.

Rookie jitters? Far from it.

Sidoti also reports that Obama is "confident almost to a fault," that he has "kept that focused attitude in the White House, while exhibiting few flashes of any off-putting, self-important tone," that he has "reached the pinnacle of his political ambition," and that he seems "has seemed extraordinarily at ease as president from the day that he took office."

Oh, also, he has "made a once skeptical electorate comfortable with the notion that a black, 47-year-old, first-term senator with limited experience could take over as the leader of the free world," he speaks in "firm, yet soothing tones," he uses "a just-folks approach to identify with economically struggling citizens" and displays "wonkish tendencies, too," all the while engaging in "witty banter" while striking "a statesmanlike stance."

OK, Liz, we'll bite: Is there anything you don't like about Obama?

Well, he "has steamed with anger" at AIG executives and "gone after lawmakers who refused to support the $787 billion economic stimulus package." He has also "shown contriteness" (which we'd think was a good quality, though we suppose it also suggests he has something to be contrite about) and "shown irritation at criticism." He "has let it be known he hasn't forgotten how politics works." And despite being "careful," he "has made a few errors."

But never fear: "So far, the public has liked what it's seen." "Most people in the U.S."--and Liz Sidoti herself is nothing if not a person in the U.S.--"consider their new president to be a strong, ethical leader who is working for change as he promised in his campaign." And "most people say he's on TV just the right amount."

"Overall," Sidoti sums up, "Obama seems unflappable."

And wouldn't lesser men wither under the kind of tough-minded coverage he's received from the likes of Liz Sidoti?


Thursday, April 23, 2009

All over Oceania ...

There have been spontaneous demonstrations of party workers voicing their gratitude and joy.

AP Poll: Americans high on Obama, direction of US

By RON FOURNIER and TREVOR TOMPSON, Associated Press Writers Ron Fournier And Trevor Tompson, Associated Press Writers

WASHINGTON – For the first time in years, more Americans than not say the country is headed in the right direction, a sign that Barack Obama has used the first 100 days of his presidency to lift the public's mood and inspire hopes for a brighter future.

Intensely worried about their personal finances and medical expenses, Americans nonetheless appear realistic about the time Obama might need to turn things around, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. It shows most Americans consider their new president to be a strong, ethical and empathetic leader who is working to change Washington. (...rest of story...)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I live here!

So this is kind of messed up. My kid was being bratty when I came home yesterday, and only wanted to sit on the couch with his mommy.

Me: move over buddy, let me sit with you.
Kid: NO daddy! You go HOME!
Me: we are home, buddy. This is where we live.
Kid: No, you go home! You go to your CAR!

I'm away from the house so much (at work), that my kid thinks I live somewhere else - in my car!

That hurts, boy. I'll remember this when it's time to decide whether or not to gamble away your college fund...

Monday, April 06, 2009

"In 3 Weeks I Will Be Put to My Death"

Wait a minute! Didn't someone tell these people that Bush isn't president any more? I though he was the source of all the extremism, violence, and "cultural misunderstanding".

Check out this little gem from the Toronto Sun. My favorite (most alarming?) part of the article: "The practice does take place but it is rare," Patel said. "It is more of a cultural occurrence than a religious practice."

However, about 10,000 women die yearly from honour killings in Pakistan, according to statistics. (emphasis mine)

A Mississauga woman says she'll be the victim of an honour killing by her estranged husband, a Muslim extremist, when she's deported to Pakistan at the end of the month.

read more | digg story

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Wake Up Your Cat, Take A Picture Of It

Though I do hate cats (they're little bastards, admit it!) this is stupid enough to be humorous...

read more | digg story